Foro de Financiamiento de Energías Renovables ALC 2013


April 30th - May 1st, 2013.


Miami, Florida.


Tel: 2855550


REFF-LAC will address the rapidly changing state of renewable energy finance, and insights about the path ahead, with a specific focus on the Central, Latin American and Caribbean markets and how they are interacting with the broader global markets. In the face of tremendous long-term growth potential and new political support, the renewable energy markets are today suffering from the credit crisis, withdrawal of major lenders, loss of tax equity capacity, economic recession, and new legislative initiatives.

With continuing change in the economic landscape, new regional policy advocating investment in renewables, and alternative financial players coming in to the market, it is essential that you make REFF-LAC your one-stop-shop to get up to speed with this constantly evolving and lucrative market!

For more information about this event please visit

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